EVERYONE being wished a happy and safe July 4th today!!!Marti HARDEE so very proud of her mother, Mrs. Clara CARTRETTE, who has been in newspaper work for 58 years…Could the former BI-LO on Main become another COWBOYS Bar???Ben LLOYD and FAMILY from North Carolina spending their annual week at North Myrtle Beach and Ben dropping by to visit Ruth Anne and Polly…Susan and David HAWES at Coastal Engravers just the best there is when it comes to designing and making trophies and awards…Happy birthday to Dr. James “Jim” MEZICK, Nancy BENNETT, Russell BURGESS, Johnny JONES, Kevin BOURNE, Michael JORDAN, Joyce BELLAMY, Dave DICKSON, Norwood BELLAMY, Nancy Long HORTON, Gavin MAY, Jenean TODD and Gary YOUNG…Anniversary wishes to Karen and Ray SESSIONS…Thanks for the nice picture and message and all the kind thoughts MaryAnn and Gary FRONBERGER…Gerri and Tom McDANIEL doing an awesome decorating job and finding just the right items they needed… Phillip GEORGE off to the beach to visit friends on Monday…Juddie BACOT enjoying having family with her for a nice vacation…JoAnn JOHNSON taking care of “thanks” for Driftwood Garden Club’s lovely plants delivered to local newspaper…Joyce and Harry THOMAS celebrating their 65th wedding anniversary and sincere congratulations from your many friends!!!Diane BELLAMY enjoying reading the North Myrtle Beach Times so much…Pat DOWLING always stepping up to the plate to help when needed…Lee DOVE and FAMILY enjoying their vacation together during week of July 4th at beach house in Cherry Grove section…Dick and Judy HESTER attending 6 p.m. wedding of their grandson, Andrew COLLINS, on campus of Mississippi State University last Saturday…Hayleigh VEREEN learning how to tumble in her cheerleading class…Damien TRIOULEYRE finding an old relic from the early 50s in Ingram Dunes where guess who was “courting” in those days riding in a Jeep???Lois WATKINS getting an early wake up call on Wednesday morning…Cathy ALTMAN counting the weeks until she becomes a grandmother…Delores THOMPSON enjoying her work at the North Myrtle Beach Area Historical Museum…Representative William BAILEY always on call to help his constituency…City SANITATION DEPARTMENT EMPLOYEES up and out early each morning to make sure our city looks great…Congratulations to Ashley JOHNSON at MELT on Main Street being named as having the best ice cream in the state!!!Hello to Lynne BELL and her MOTHER from neighbors at Colonial Charters…Bubba COLLINS always receiving extra newspapers to share with his clients…Debbie SMITHSON keeping busy at King of Glory Lutheran Church with the children and their activities…