During the December 16 City Council meeting, Employee of the Month Awards were presented to Public Grounds Maintenance Worker Stewart Stevenson (September), Senior Planner/Urban Designer Suzanne Pritchard (October) and Seasonal Beach Cleaner Contrez Dewitt and Motor Equipment Operator Kareem Hemingway (November).
Stewart Stevenson received his award for volunteering to be the point of contact for the Right of Way Crew when its leader had to be out of work for an extended period of time. He ensured that the crew understood and stuck to established priorities, attended crew meetings and carried information back to the maintenance staff. Meanwhile, he continued to do his own share of the work load. In doing so, he enabled other supervisors to continue to focus on their work goals.
Suzanne Pritchard received her award for her role in establishing the Planning & Development Department’s new online permitting software, her lead role in the selection and design of the city’s new L.E.D. digital information sign at the intersection of Main Street and Highway 17 and its programming and her design work for the Main Street flower beds and hanging basket arrangements. She also volunteered to serve on the City’s Safety Committee.
Contrez Dewitt and Kareem Hemingway received their awards for having noticed an individual who was injured on the side of the road as they were traveling during work. They stopped, called 911 and stayed with and comforted the individual until help arrived. It is likely that they saved the individual’s life.