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Vandals drove doughnuts through the GSF Recreation Center baseball field. Photo by Annie Rigby

Vandals damage field at Green Sea Floyds Recreation Center

By Annie Rigby

Vandals damaged one of the baseball fields and stole the first base at Green Sea Floyds (GSF) Recreation Center on Saturday, Aug. 1. Will Dunn, a member of the board of directors for the department, stated someone determined to enter the fields damaged a fence with an attempt to tip it over, stole the first base and drove doughnuts on one of the fields.

Video footage is being reviewed and tire tracks left behind will determine who the responsible party is for the vandalism and damage to the baseball field. Dunn said, “The department is a volunteer system and not run by the city as many other recreation centers are.” He continued, “Our volunteers work hard to keep the fields pristine for the travel ball teams that play tournaments on weekends.” GSF recreation department hosts the USSSA baseball travel tournaments and are disappointed to see the damage and stealing the first base which costs the department to replace before games begin.

Dunn said, “Vandalism and stolen property hurt the community and the kids who play on the fields, it is disappointing that someone would cause this damage.” He said, “The department is providing a forgiveness proposal that includes returning the first base with an apology for the damage and agree to a weekend of community service at the recreation department, they will not face charges.” If the person does not come forward the local police department will work on the case and an arrest of the culprit is inevitable.

A message directed to the person or persons responsible for the vandalism is to come forward and they will avoid having a police record, embarrassment and will show the community they are able to take responsibility for their actions. Dunn stated that the option is simple. Contact him at 803-587-1734 and speak with him personally as to what they will need to do.

He has also asked the community to contact him if they have information about the person/persons responsible.

Keep up with the GSF recreation department Facebook page for their tournaments and information of what is going on at the department.

About Annie Rigby